Friday, November 2, 2018


No really I like squirrels!
Once they have been skinned, cleaned, and brined for 24 hours; they are darn fine dredged in milk, flour , egg then cracker meal and fried up. They are down right tasty!
Now, wrap em in bacon and I might just _love_ the little tree rats!


when you have done every thing. when you don't have anything left. When the squirrels are just waiting for your last move.
don't forget,
don't ever forget,
just smile
take cover,
and remember,
you planted 40 pounds of det cord in the corn crib.

Utility belt

Things I thought were cool as a kid don't seem so much as an adult.
example.. Batman's utility belt. Now obviously Mr Wayne had and has top notch tech, but he has everything from multiple batterangs to rocket propelled grappling hooks in that thing.
I carry a knife (small) a radio and a couple of tools on my belt / pockets plus my keys wallet and cell phones and, Wow! small weights add up so fast!
So I want to see a comic for the true unsung hero of Gotham.. Bruce Wayne's Chiropractor!

Safe Space

College students don't understand the danger of a safe space.
If I could find the safe space I put things in .. well I might be millionaire!
Screw a safe space I need my bar tab!


See, combining a neutrino reaction with the hyperactivity of a squirrels brain was just a bad Idea!
Now how are we going to justify that research grant for the penguins?


Ya see..
You can't hook the weasel to the neutron capacitor vortex.
Weasels are way to reactive.. try a nutria and get back to me.


aaaand the purple inter dimensional stork just showed up again...
apparently I am supposed to tell "Beverly" it's over and he never really loved her chocolate covered shad and bay mud sauce....
Cant imagine who would but I am not an extra dimensional sea bird
oh and sector 45 is still secure.